Sunday, October 3, 2010

Salmon days 5k

I am happy even though I did not make my goal of sub 20 I've not been able to train after rolling my ankle last weekend ankle started to swell pinching the nerve to the sole of my foot causing numbness so I'm happy.

Number of Finishers: 1,254
Number of Females: 747
Number of Males: 507
Average Time: 35:02

Jeffrey Cady
bib number:1010
location:Redmond, WA
overall place:53 out of 1254
division place:3 out of 28
gender place:46

Friday, January 22, 2010

Family of CFIDS sufferers

With the availability of the internet it is dis heartening that family of CFIDS would choose ignorance and make statments like this:

" Yes, I do - you are always sad you never do anything but complain about how you feel and how you have been done wrong.  You refuse to move on with your life and therefore you remain stagnant in a life that is not going to make you happy.  Do I think that you let your illness rule you - I do.  You are in charge of your body and you could do things to help your situation but you don't.  It is easier for you to be a victim to your illness than to try and live your life like a healthy person who gets sick instead of sick person who is sometimes healthy. "

There are so many recourses that you have available to you as to what this incredibility debilitating disease does to the body and how family should support the suffers and what it does to the body and mind.  Calming ignorance does not fly in this day and age especially if you talk to some one you claim to love in this way.  Does my wife have problems with Arthritis energy levels and brain fog yes.  She is better off that some with CFIDS and worse off than others.

Claiming that you should just take charge of you body is ignorance at its definition.  The recommendations from Dr that treat hundreds of patients is "DO NOT EXERCISE" in the traditional sense exercise for the suffers is redefined to 5 minutes of movement every 6 hours or stretching for 2 min and taking a break.  There is also a recommendation that if you do have to work around the house you work picking up and doing dishes or dusting (Vacuuming is not recommended as it is too strenuous) for 2 minutes and rest for 20.  During a "flair-up" you are to do nothing you just stretch and that is all the work that your body can handle.

With all the emerging research into XMRV and chronic immunological diseases CFS is a Neuroimmunological disease that has a very serious brain component with memory loss and brain fog (Similar to Alstimers) with a muscular skeletal component and finally to top it all of a cardiovascular component (For those who do not know it effects the brain muscles and heart and blood there is also a large percentage that has arthritis with exacerbation of every thing with any kind of stress).  So imagine that every time you have any kind of stress you had to go out and run a 1/2 marathon while drinking alcohol instead of water.  This is how an estimated 4 million people each day in the USA feel each day doing basic chores around the house or getting up to go to the restroom on their own depending on how how sever your symptoms are that day month or year.  

Recourses for Families
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.
Abraham Lincoln
16th president of US (1809 - 1865)